lunes, 6 de junio de 2016



In the field of insurance are often disability and disability-related terms. Understanding these concepts is fundamental to assess coverage and to know to what rights we have when we hire insurance. But two important questions arise to many people. The first concerns what are the differences between total disability and permanent disability. The second refers to whether the terms disability and inability to mean the same thing or if they are different things.

The first question we will give answer then. Before to clarify the second: invalidity and incapacity are the same. This already simplifies us much further explanation.

That said, we went to distinguish the term "permanent disability" in the term "total disability".

Difference between permanent disability of the Total invalidity

The first thing that must be said is that these terms are incomplete. In fact, naming them by their full name already makes it clear enough.

When it comes to permanent invalidity is talking absolute permanent disability; and when it comes to total disability there is talk of total Professional disability.

Absolute permanent disability is an irreversible physical situation that incapacitates a person to exercise any professional activity. In these cases, permanent disability coverage compensated the insured when, after an accident, cannot be any kind of professional activity.

Moreover, the total Professional disability refers to the inability to continue exercising the profession was performed when the accident was. In these cases, the coverage indemnifies the insured when you can not continue exercising the profession stated in the policy, even if the injury does not prevent him engage in another activity.

Let us take an example the case of a construction professional who, after an accident, suffers irreversible injury to the leg that prevents him from doing his job. If your insurance is coverage for permanent disability, this person will not receive any compensation, since you can exercise other types of works (for example, in office). This single professional would receive compensation in case of total disability coverage.

Invalidity sickness Vs disability due to accident

Permanent or total, not always perceived the same compensation if the disability has been caused by an accident or for a disease. In fact, normally insurers offer more money when the incapacity is the result of an accident. Moreover, depending on the type of insurance, can that coverage only covers the disability by accident. Although none want to see us in this situation, check this is important.

In any, all claims for disability requires the presentation of supporting documentation, including an assessment of medical unit of rating disabilities (UMVI) of the safety Social, Ministry of Social Affairs or other competent body. In some cases can also request a certificate from the medical inspection of the Social Security Area.

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