jueves, 2 de junio de 2016



There are three types of insurance: personal insurance, damage insurance and insurance services. Each focuses on different issues.
Personal insurance are those covering the person itself. They are insurance life, personal accident insurance, health insurance, reliance on insurance and pension plans. In other words, the secured object is the person. These insurances offer protection to the individual circumstances that affect you directly, such as the death, survival, health problems and even can also cover the psychological integrity.

Damage (also called property insurance) insurance are those who cover contingencies which may affect the insured goods and offer compensation if any of the reasons referred to in the insurance happen. They are the fire insurance, civil liability insurance, insurance of vehicles, the agricultural insurance, theft insurance, insurance of credit and surety and the insurance lines, among others.

The insurance of damage or property can be of two types:

Sure things: its objective is to indemnify the insured for material losses directly sustained in a well of your property.

Insurance: guarantees the insured against civil liability that may be incurred to third parties by acts of which it is responsible, protecting its heritage.

Many personal insurance include some coverage of insurance services.

Insurance services are those that provide a service to the insured in the event of any of the circumstances referred to in the policy. It is the case of legal expenses insurance, travel assistance insurance and insurance of deaths, among others.

Legal expenses insurance cover the costs of litigation and legal claims. These insurances do not include the payment of fines or compensation by sanctions that the administrative authorities or judicionales has imposed on the insured.

Travel assistance insurance provide coverage against unforeseen during the journey and stay in the chosen destination. They often include health care, travel, payment of lso costs of an accompanying person in case of hospializacion in the place of destination, return anticipated by different causes and repatriation. Some also offer coverage related to loss of luggage or uninitiated trip cancellations.

Funeral insurance cover the costs of the burial of the insured on the basis of the contracted capital. Services such as the funeral, the coffin, the flowers, burial or incineration and hearse and the obituaries, among other coverages are included. 
Also dealing with the management of all the procedures related to the death and the funeral management.

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