domingo, 26 de junio de 2016



If you just take the driver's license and have less than 26 years old, it is very important to have in mind that the insurer will look at your case with Magnifier. But that doesn't mean that you can not get a good insurance at an acceptable price. The important thing is to do things well.

First, you must take into account that the price of the insurance depends on the car you buy. But that happens also to other drivers. The cylinder capacity, fuel type, number of doors, if the car is new or second hand, and even the chosen colour, they are factors of weight on the price of the insurance. Therefore, before you buy the car, compare prices, not only between the different insurance companies, but also between different types of vehicles to see the difference.

When you compare prices, you should keep in mind that not always the safe cheaper which will be more. Well check the coverage so your insurance actually makes you feel safe. In this sense, a basic insurance to third parties, i.e., which covers only the compulsory civil liability, may not be enough. Although it is slightly more expensive, it would be very interesting that you hire expanded third-party insurance, including coverage of theft, fire or breakage of moons. To learn more about this topic, I recommend that you read the article basic coverages that you should hire your car insurance.

A common practice is to ensure the name of the father or the mother of the insured car to come out cheaper. But keep in mind that, if the driver has less than 26 years old and is not declared as a driver, the insurer "wash hands" and will not give you coverage in certain contingencies. What many people do is hit the insured as it is, but there are times in which that, simply, not strained. This trick may be worth you for a coup in the garage or a small clash at a traffic light, but if you have an accident in which to do crowded or to which you have given does not accept in the friendly part data that are not yours, then you do have a problem with the insurance.

In any case, although the youngest 26-year-old appears as an occasional driver, in car insurance, the price of the insurance will increase. In addition, the parties will affect the claims of the holder, which will negatively influence their bonuses, so, you can save the 26-year-old child on the one hand can affect the additional cost or no savings in the renewal of the insurance of the owner, and not only on the car that leads the 26-year-old child. In other words, if that really is the youngest 26-year-old it will drive the car, saving for putting insurance on behalf of their parents not always compensate for economically.

In any case, should take into account that more and more are the insurance companies that offer specific insurance for young drivers in order to attract customers. If you drive well, these companies will offer you interesting bonuses in your insurance renewal.

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