miércoles, 15 de junio de 2016



Self-employed workers face a difficult reality before the sick leave and periods of temporary disability. Social security and the forecasted attendance allowances not usually suffice to cover the expenses and needs of self-employed, and more for those listed for the minimum (which most are), independent of the level of income that have.

There are currently two types of Social Security benefits case of sick leave. On the one hand, they are the common contingencies (IT), for common diseases and no accidents. On the other hand, they are professional contingencies, concerning occupational diseases (EP) and the job (AT) accidendentes


Since 2008 it is compulsory to quote for common contingencies for all self-employed workers, except for the economically dependent, that they are in a situation of multiple (and they traded simultaneously under another procedure) and the included in the special scheme for self-employed agricultural workers, for whom this quote is voluntary.

According to this, so that an autonomous to collect the allowance of IT you must meet the following requirements:

  1. be high (or equivalent situation at discharge) 
  2. have quoted a minimum of 180 days during the last 5 years
  3. be current in the payment of dues


Quote for occupational contingencies is voluntary, except for the autonomous economically dependent and which carry out a professional activity with a high accident rate.

It is important to highlight that itinerant produced accidents (displacement from home to work and vice versa) are not considered industrial accidents, as it is the case with the workers employed, except for the economically dependent self-employed. These accident are considered non-work-related accidents and are covered by the common contingencies.


In case of a sick leave for common contingencies, an autonomous charge between 4th and 21st day compensation calculated on 60% of its contribution, and from the 21st day 75% base. In the case of the minimum contribution base (875,70 euros in 2014), this means 17,51 euros per day during the first period and 21,90 EUR for the second.

If low or temporary incapacity occurs by a professional contingency, only be charged those freelancers that are listed by this concept. For this contingency, is charged from the second day over 75% of the contribution base, which represent 21.90 euros in the case of quote for the minimum.

The maximum period to collect these subsidies is 365 days, which is may be extended another 180 days if expected to cure in this last period.


According to the above, a stand-alone sick leave would have to survive with 656 euros gross from the second month. But it would have to continue to pay its share of self-employed, your fixed expenses, etc.

To this situation, many workers have chosen to hire insurance sick leave compensation total depending on the type of accident or specifically designed for them, with fixed indemnity per day not worked.

The first is well suited to collect an additional daily amount in addition to the Social Security, allowing thus have a more realistic and appropriate to the needs of real income. The second is very appropriate to compensate for work that can not be and, therefore, the reduction in income, without the need of having to stop working, doing other things that it can be done and, therefore, without asking low labor.

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